Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Temporary Housewife

Today was my first day as a housewife. Even though it's a Saturday, it feels like a weekday with the Husband off working over time.

I wasn't a very good housewife today, either. Though I suppose it was just the first day, I have time to improve. It has been raining and snowing all day, so I decided there were some chores that could wait until tomorrow. Or Monday. Or really, whenever it's not sleeting.

(Sidenote: I'm amused at the uproar caused by the weather...where I grew up snow on/before Halloween was not uncommon. We planned costumes to fit over snowsuits for trick-or-treating.)

I started the day with a mug of hot tea in my pajamas and robe while I read the paper (we get the Sunday ads as well as the Style, Travel, and Comics sections early. Don't ask me why.). I lounged on the couch for awhile, watched some College GameDay; it was great.

I even managed to get some actual housewifery type chores done, dishes, a little laundry, changing the sheets, rearranging the ridiculous cookbook collection. That sort of thing.

And I discovered that superbulky yarn is good for super quick, super easy projects. (Okay, I already knew that but have an aversion to any knitting needle larger than a 9.)

(Preliminary test post...will edit with photos later.)

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